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Student Life

A Vibrant Community

Why do people want to be part of the herd, so to speak? From your first Ka-Rip during Welcome Week, you'll see that OBU has the "spirit thing" down.

OBU faculty, staff and students are extraordinarily friendly and supportive. This is a culture that works and plays very hard. We have more than 60 student organizations and 20 intramural sports. Our varsity athletic program, offering 21 sports, has won 33 National Championships in the NAIA and NCCAA. OBU joined NCAA Division II in 2017.

What do you say? Are you ready to become a Bison?

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Ka-rip Ka-rap Ka-riplo typlo tap
Oh! Oh! Rincto lincto hio-totimus
Hopula scipula copula gotimus
Chink-to-lack Chink-to-lee
Ka-willa, Ka-walla, Ka Victory
Oh! Oh! Hoogula choogula choogula can.
Ragula tagula melican man
Let'er go rip, let'er go ruse
Tingula Tangula, turn'em a-loose
Zip! Bang! OBU!