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Shape the Future Campaign for OBU

Our Vision for the Future

On Bison Hill, we consider the past, embrace the present, and focus on the future in our prayers, passion, and plans for “the herd.” OBU students are encouraged to go beyond, approaching everything with excellence. Faith and knowledge blend together harmoniously to develop critical and analytical thinkers who can write, speak and communicate clearly, persuasively and with confidence.

Despite the challenges of the most devastating natural disaster in our 114-year history, we are moving boldly into the future with a radical faith that God will provide for the work begun here as we focus on three key areas:

Academic Investment

Invest in creating additional leading-edge programs for our students, and provide greater financial support to our students through endowed scholarships, providing more students the opportunity to be shaped by a world-class education rooted in Christ.

Facility Improvement

Repair, improve and enhance our facilities where our students are transformed by an educational experience that continues for a lifetime

Campus Life Enhancement

Provide students additional opportunities to build relationships through investments in athletics facilities, clubs and organizations, as well as provide additional enhancements in food service options

Campaign Projects

Progress toward our key areas are realized through various projects on campus. While the buildings may be an end result, they represent our push toward developing upcoming generations of future shapers.

All of Life Podcast

Watch the latest episode of our new podcast, All of Life, to hear more about the Shape the Future Campaign.

Look for more episodes, hosted by regional director of development Niccole Hall, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

“The message is clear: our world desperately needs the next generation of OBU graduates.

Together, let us equip this next generation of future shapers to live all of life, all for Jesus.”

Dr. Heath A. Thomas
OBU President

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