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Title IX at OBU

OBU wants to help all students, faculty, and staff learn to identify sexual discrimination and misconduct, know and be comfortable with your rights, and report abuse and get help if you or a colleague has been assaulted or harassed.

OBU is committed to creating a community free from sexual violence through education and prevention, support and resources, student conduct process, and referrals to the criminal justice system. The University wants to address situations of sexual violence (to include sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner violence/domestic abuse, and sexual harassment) by providing resources for support, and information and details about your medical and reporting options.

Ultimately, the survivor must choose how to cope with his/her experience, and the "first step" may look different for each individual instance. An initial response may be to immediately call the police; however, it's very common for a person to seek out medical care or other information first. If the assault is recent, seek medical care immediately. Regardless of the decision to report, in any instance where physical contact and/or injury has been experienced, all survivors are strongly encouraged to seek medical care.

At the University, when a university employee is told about an instance of sexual violence and/or harassment, it is important that both the employee and the student understand what will happen. Employees will need to report their knowledge of what has happened to University Police or to the Title IX Coordinator. Exceptions do exist, such as counselors within the Kemp Marriage and Family Clinic are required to keep information confidential.

Common Myths About Sexual Assault

Most rapists are strangers.
Research statistics suggests more than 75% of victims of sexual assaults know their assailant.

If victims do not fight back, they were not raped.
A number of circumstances could result in a victim not fighting back during an assault. In some instances, the assailant may use a drug or the element of fear to prevent the victim from using physical force against the assailant. The simple truth is that intentional sexual contact without consent of the other person constitutes sexual assault, regardless of whether the victim fights back or not.

Rape requires the use of a weapon.
According to the United States Department of Justice, 80% of rapes and sexual assault incidents do not involve a weapon.

Men cannot be raped.
According to national rape statistics, one out of 33 men will be a victim of rape or sexual assault in their lifetime.

You were sexually assaulted because you were drinking.
Alcohol is a weapon that some perpetrators use to control their victims and render them helpless. As part of their plan, an assailant may encourage a potential victim to use alcohol, or they may identify a person who is already drunk to victimize. Alcohol is not a cause of rape; it is only one of many tools that perpetrators of rape use to control their victims.

When a partner says no, they really mean yes.
When a person says yes to sex, they are giving consent. Silence does not mean consent, nor does a victim giving in to sex after being subjected to consistent begging or pleading mean consent. Unrelenting pleading or begging for sex is consistent with coercion. If your partner says no or seems unsure, respect that person and their wishes.