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Reporting Process

Oklahoma Baptist University encourages all victims of sexual violence and/or harassment to report such incidents to University Police and the Title IX Coordinator, regardless of where the incident took place. Prior to the investigation phase, students will be made aware of institutional sanctions and/or protective measures (i.e. no contact, restraining, and protective orders), as well as, institutional accommodations (i.e. class schedule, housing arrangements, student events/programs). Student may request accommodations through the Dean of Students office, and reasonable accommodations will be granted for a specified amount of time.

Reporting to Police

An individual who has experienced an incident of sexual violence may report this to the police. Individuals who file a report can have a support person and/or advocate with them. Reporting to the police can be done by calling 911 or the non-emergency number of either Shawnee Police Department or the OBU Police Department.

  • OBU Campus Police: 405.878.6000
  • Shawnee Police: 911 or 405.273.2121 (non-emergency line)

Reporting a crime is the process of officially documenting what has occurred with the police and does not necessarily mean that an investigation will occur and that criminal charges will be filed. It is ultimately up to the police and the prosecutor to determine if charges will be pursued. A survivor has the right to provide input about what they would like to see happen and has rights within the criminal justice system. More information about victim's rights can be provided by the police and/or prosecutors. Reporting a crime may occur at the hospital, the police station, or the scene of the crime.

Following the report, an investigation may occur. Sexual violence victims, and the accused person, are entitled to be informed of the status of any and all phases of the hearing process, including the outcome. Survivors and accused person(s) may contact University Police or the Dean of Students office and may be given updates.

University Police investigate crimes which occur on OBU property and may be consulted about possible sexual violence incidents. Police will look at the specific behaviors involved and could take a report, begin an investigation, discuss safety planning, or offer other thoughts/remedies.

Reporting on Student Conduct

If you witnessed, experienced, or have information about an incident of sexual misconduct, please use this form to report your concern. The university understands there are individuals who possess information about a crime or who have experienced a crime, but do not want to make a formal report to law enforcement. This form provides you with the ability to report information with or without personal identification. All reports of sexual misconduct will be investigated, but anonymous reporting may prevent the university from certain action and/or resolution. Your report is important to the wellbeing of our community and will be processed with thoughtful and thorough consideration.

Report Form


No University employee or student shall retaliate in any way against a person for making a complaint, testifying, assisting, or participating in any manner in an investigation, or grievance proceeding. Retaliatory actions which are prohibited include, but are not limited to, intimidation, threats, coercion, or discrimination of any kind. Any person may report retaliation to the University's Title IX Coordinator.