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Student Care Team

The Student Care Team is charged to employ a proactive approach to coordinate and plan responses to identify, assess, manage, reduce, and educate the campus community as to the risk of individual harm or interpersonal violence. The Care Team seeks to respond to the student needs to avoid student injury and/or avoid, or minimize the disruption to the integrity of the learning environment.

The vision of the Student Care Team is to provide a collaborative holistic approach in response to significant student issues or crisis. There are a number of issues where the care team works with students, including: decline in physical health, depression, suicidal ideation, alcohol and/or drug abuse, mental health concerns, eating disorders, and sexual addiction or activity.

The functions of the Student Care Team are to:

  • Respond to a crisis that threatens the well-being of a student, or students. Offer him or her appropriate assistance in various stages of the crisis.
  • Share information and resources among appropriate offices to enhance staff effectiveness and ensure all University resources are made available to students.
  • Serve as a local resource to the university-wide Emergency Response Team in the event of a critical incident.
  • Initiate internal review of the crisis situation and ensure appropriate follow-through.
  • Identify student behaviors that disrupt the learning environment.
  • Provide an opportunity for team members to identify trends and/or patterns of behavior that may impact the campus community by sharing information on a regular basis.
  • Be proactive by exploring issues that occur in the Shawnee community that could impact OBU students.
  • Advise University Officials on issues related to student crisis and how it may affect the integrity of the campus community and campus climate.

Student Care Team Members