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Student Care Team Responsibilities

The Student Care Team will meet on a biweekly basis, and on an as needed basis. When a student is referred to the Student Care Team, a file will be created on the student, and SCT members will be notified about the student. SCT members will be asked to provide details that they may know of the student, and if necessary, meet to discuss the concern of the student.

A purpose of the SCT is to develop an action plan to reach the student, and provide assistance to those that others are concerned about.

Chair Responsibilities

  • Set the agenda for and facilitate each meeting
  • Oversee of case management/support coordination process
  • Work with University Counsel to assure appropriate record keeping and other procedures
  • Coordinate action plans developed and suggested by the Student Care Team
  • Coordinate post-meeting follow-up
  • Assure policies and procedures are communicated to the team, and are in line with federal, state, and local laws.
  • Coordinate response after intervention or decision has been made to appropriate campus individuals