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Biblical and Theological Studies

As you pursue the path of biblical and theological studies, you can choose from one of five areas of concentration. Each will guide you through the rich study of biblical texts in their historical, cultural and language contexts. You will gain valuable insights into scripture and strengthen your scriptural knowledge and theological foundation.

The specific areas of emphasis include biblical studies, biblical languages, Bible and theology, history and theology, and practical theology. The knowledge you gain from this rigorous program will lay the groundwork for leadership and ministry in a variety of contexts. As a student, your education will be enhanced by the university’s distinctive liberal arts curriculum that exposes you to critical thinking, curiosity and rigorous academics.

OBU’s biblical and theological studies program is taught in person and also in a fully online format.

Dillon Dunk

Class of 2023

“My time on Bison Hill more than prepared me for post-graduation. The impact of faculty mentors made a significant difference in my experience and has given me the confidence and knowledge needed to enter this next chapter in ministry.”

Benefits of OBU Biblical and Theological Studies Program

Faculty Experts

The Hobbs School of Theology and Ministry offers you a distinguished lineup of faculty who are experts in their disciplines, sharing valuable insights from their formal training and years of practical experience in their specific field. They are respected both locally and globally as published authors, preachers, guest speakers, lecturers and missionaries. Several have authored books covering various theological subjects.

Liberal Arts University

Our vibrant campus community offers you a host of opportunities as a student. You are encouraged to engage in our active collegiate student life where you experience opportunities in leadership, service, athletics, student organizations, community engagement and social activities. You will not only receive unparalleled biblical and theological training, but your academic experience will include the university’s distinctive Christian liberal arts core curriculum. This added dimension to your education fosters critical thinking, intellectual curiosity and the opportunity to learn with non-ministry students.  

Incredible Education, Affordable Cost.

OBU provides a minimum $10,000 per year scholarship to every incoming first-time freshman and $8,000 to every incoming transfer student. And you could qualify for even more financial aid! Many of our students also receive money through federal Pell grants and OBU Bison Grants.

To get an estimate of what your cost to attend OBU might be, please check out our Net Price Calculator. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how affordable an OBU education really is. Especially considering the incredible academic quality, personal mentor relationships with faculty and staff, and strong Christian commitment you will experience at OBU. You won’t find an experience like this anywhere else!

Program Information

Field Experiences

As an OBU ministry student, you are presented with ways to develop your skills through internships and field experiences. Ongoing relationships with local pastors and congregations often provide opportunities to preach, lead worship and serve in local and regional church settings. The university’s Center for Global Outreach (GO) offers mission trips during the summer and semester breaks exposing you to ministry and outreach opportunities both domestically and internationally. These types of practical experiences enable you to grow and gain confidence in God’s calling in your life.

Faculty Mentors

In the biblical and theological studies program, you will enjoy ongoing and direct interaction with faculty members who instill a solid foundation of faith and biblical perspective through their teaching and personal lives. Because of our small class sizes, your professors get to know you individually and invest in your personal success. Your faculty will become your mentors, encouragers and role models who support your intellectual and spiritual development.

Enriching Events

Guest Lecturers

Hobbs School of Theology and Ministry hosts a series of guest lecturers throughout the year that share the Baptist heritage and inspire you to grow in your knowledge of Baptist theology, Baptist history and studies of the Bible. Philosophy forums are held regularly to foster academic enrichment and enlightenment.

Apologetics Conference

An annual “Generation Why?” student apologetics conference is hosted for middle school, high school and college-age students with speakers and sessions designed to equip those attending to better defend their faith.

Spiritual Life

Our spiritual life staff and student leadership team serves the OBU community through weekly chapel services, Bible studies and events that support spiritual development. As a ministry student who is pursuing this as a calling, you can play an integral role in participating and leading in these activities that promote a campus grounded in biblical truth and genuine faith.

Academic Minors

At OBU, students who pursue a degree in biblical and theological studies also pursue an area of minor emphasis in any academic area of study. As a result, you receive an academically rigorous and spiritually enriching education.


Hobbs College Library Series

Evidence of the high caliber of faculty at OBU, past and present, is the Hobbs College Library Series, an impactful collection of published books that educates readers in the areas of Bible, theology and ministry.

These publications are widely read and distributed through various vendors across the globe. Each book is biblical, orthodox and practical in nature, equipping Christians with tools for growing in faith and effective ministry.

Tom Elliff Center for Missions

As a complement to ministry students or any OBU student interested in gaining more knowledge and training in the role of career missionaries, the Tom Elliff Center for Missions (TECM) is a uniquely positioned program on campus.

The center enhances your education experience by introducing you to key mission leaders on the field through Missions Forums and other related events held regularly on campus. Distinguished faculty, ministry partners, retired missionaries and key leaders are committed to investing in the next generation of missionaries as they seek to fulfill the Great Commission.

Graduate Program Opportunities

Master of Divinity Accelerated Program

As an undergraduate, you can earn your bachelor’s degree while progressing towards an MDiv through our Bachelor of Arts to Master of Divinity (BA to MDiv) accelerated program. We enjoy partnerships with all six Baptist seminaries and select others to provide advanced tracks where you can earn up to 25% of your MDiv degree while enrolled at OBU. This is a convenient benefit, propelling you forward while saving you time and resources.

Integrated MA

As an undergraduate student in any career major at OBU, you can begin work on a Master of Arts in Christian Studies or Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies through our integrated MA program. This format allows you to complete your chosen academic major while also completing a degree in one of these graduate-level programs.

Job Opportunities and Outcomes

Graduates of Hobbs School of Theology and Ministry continue their God-given calling in many areas of influence. Those positions may be at a local church, on the mission field, continuing to seminary or in a related avenue of ministry integrated in the marketplace.

Upon graduation, positions of ministry and employment include:

  • Crossings Community Church, Oklahoma City
  • Hands On- International Mission Board
  • Henderson Hills Baptist Church, Edmond
  • Immanuel Baptist Church, Shawnee
  • Frontline Church
  • Southern Hills Baptist Church, Oklahoma City
  • Reformed Forum

Seminary and Graduate Schools include:

  • Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Western Theological Seminary
  • Westminster Theological Seminary
  • Truett Seminary

World-Class Faculty

OBU faculty are experts in their fields and will be with you every step of the way.

Dr. Rafael Bello

Dr. Rafael Bello

Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
Ida Elizabeth and J.W. Hollums Chair of Bible

Dr. Matthew Y. Emerson

Dr. Matthew Y. Emerson

Dean of Theology, Arts and Humanities
Floyd K. Clark Chair of Christian Leadership
Professor of Religion

Dr. Bobby Kelly

Dr. Bobby Kelly

Ruth Dickinson Professor of Religion

Dr. Mario Melendez

Dr. Mario Melendez

Auguie Henry Chair of Old Testament
Assistant Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Studies

Dr. Brandon D. Smith

Dr. Brandon D. Smith

Chair, Herschel H. Hobbs School of Theology and Ministry
Associate Professor of Theology and Early Christianity
Dickinson Chair of Religion
MA Director