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Financial Aid Statistics

OBU offers two kinds of financial aid. Merit based financial aid includes scholarships given to a student on the basis of skills or merit and does not have to be repaid. Academic, performance, and athletic are some of the most common scholarships from schools.

Need based financial aid is based on family income and other things to determine eligibility for this kind of assistance. Federal aid programs which includes grants (gift aid), loans (money which must be repaid) and work-study (part time jobs), make up the majority of this kind of aid.

View Financial Aid FAQ's or visit other helpful Financial Aid links.

Pell Grant Recipients

2021-22 Pell Gender/Ethnicity Statistics

Gender/Ethnicity Recipients
Total Pell Recipients 426
Men 180
Women 246
African American 46
Asian 0
Hawaiian / Pacific Islander 0
Hispanic 9
International 0
Native American 16
Two or more races 99
White 251
Unknown 5