Joy Carl
Future Shaper Joy Carl engages a diverse world.
Joy Carl, Director of International Students and Disability Services, is an OBU future shaper.
Carl is instrumental in promoting a campus culture that extends the OBU welcome mat to students from various backgrounds across the country and around the globe. Through the International Office and Disability Services Office, students are provided a helpful and hospitable transition to life on Bison Hill.
Currently 34 students representing 19 countries make up the international population at OBU. The International Office serves students whose country of origin is outside the United States or who belong to a missionary family or business family that resides overseas. OBU’s International Student Association (ISA) is one connection point for students who come from other cultures or have a passion for the world.
Senior Gabrielly A. B. Lamas de Lima, a business management major from Brazil, says what she likes best about being a student is the fact that OBU provides her amazing resources to achieve academic excellence.
“Even though English is not my first language, the OBU community has really helped me to succeed in academics. I have benefited from the support of Success Center mentors, the great library we have, amazing classes, and my professors who are flexible and committed to their students,” Lamas de Lima explained.
In addition to academic success and social interactions, international students have various opportunities for involvement and leadership across campus from roles in the Student Government Association to participation in social clubs.
An annual campus activity held each spring is RAWC the World, an evening that celebrates diversity and world cultures. This year it will be held April 13. RAWC the World is hosted in conjunction with Bison Recreation and Welness and is designed to bring the entire campus community together to celebrate the varied cultures around the globe.
Carl has been on staff at OBU since 2017. She has many years of experience working with international students at the secondary and university level. She serves the campus community on Bison Hill through her role in Campus Life. As the Director of International Students, she engages with students from many cultural backgrounds and plays a role in promoting international awareness on campus. Carl also directs the Disability Services Office, through which she works with students to determine current barriers and provide effective accommodations and accessibility.
“I love the daily interactions I have with students. It is rewarding to walk alongside them and provide support wherever they are in their own journey. I am grateful for any impact I can make in a student’s college experience through encouragement, inspiration or practical guidance,” Carl explained.
Her perspective reflects the true essence of a future shaper.