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Choosing an Art College in Oklahoma

April 12, 2022

Are you considering getting an arts degree in Oklahoma? If so, you will be faced with a wide range of options for where you want to attend school and what type of degree program you choose to pursue.

Perhaps you have dreamed of getting a degree in the arts but you aren’t sure where to start. Maybe you’re wondering which is the best arts school in Oklahoma. Or, maybe – like many potential students – you’ve been admonished to pursue another type of degree program more commonly associated with future career potential.

Despite what detractors might have to say, an arts-related degree provides many enriching opportunities for academic, artistic and spiritual growth. At Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU), we seek to enrich and transform the lives of our students, providing them with a new perspective on their world and a more in-depth insight into the profound artistry of the Creator.

Why Choose an Art College Degree?

Students choose to pursue a degree in the arts for all kinds of reasons. The most common reason you might elect to follow this path is to pursue your dream of having a career in a visual or performing arts-related field.

As important as pursuing your dreams is for future happiness, getting a degree in the arts has other benefits as well. You will have the opportunity to hone your talents while working with knowledgeable industry experts. You will have the benefit of being exposed to a variety of perspectives and get to try new things that you might not otherwise have the benefit of experiencing. You will have the opportunity to network with industry professionals and reap the benefit of their experience.

You might be surprised to learn just how much an arts degree can open up your future career options. Many different career fields intersect with the knowledge and experience an arts degree provides. Although your options will vary based on your choice of degree program and area of specialization, you could consider options that include going on to grad school, becoming a professional artist, teaching in your particular field and more.

As with any type of degree program, you can expect a few challenges along the way. You are likely to encounter armchair critics from time to time, who might not be as helpful or encouraging as you might hope. However, if this field is one that you truly aspire to pursue, take any unsolicited or unconstructive criticism with a grain of salt and keep following your dreams.

Once your mind is made up, the next order of business is choosing the type of degree program that makes the most sense for you.

Oklahoma Art & Design Degree Options

Degrees in this field typically focus on the visual arts, including the fine arts, studio art, and graphic design.

The studio art area of specialization encompasses a variety of media, ranging from painting and illustration to applied design. This degree program might be of particular interest for students who aspire to a career in photography, architecture, or interior designers. The graphic design field offers a vast array of career options, including marketing, web design, typography and more.

Communication Arts Degree Options

The communication arts encompass specializations such as journalism and public relations, broadcasting, communications, and theatre arts.

A journalism degree allows you to focus on either media or traditional journalism. Media includes multimedia production, editing, audio/video, and visual storytelling. Journalism encompasses news, feature and editorial writing, interviewing, layout/design, photography and editing.

Communications studies prepare students for a variety of career fields, ranging from public relations and business development to politics and beyond. Theatre arts encompasses a variety of specializations from acting and musical theatre to playwriting, stage management, set design and technical work behind the scenes.

Options for Getting a Music Degree in Oklahoma

It’s almost impossible to truly grasp how vast the field of music can be. Graduates of this type of degree program go on to become composers, singers, music teachers, instrumental performers, audio producers, choir directors and more.

Whether you prefer to approach the field from a more broad, overarching perspective or you seek to pursue a specialization – such as piano performance, for example – you have lots of options at Oklahoma Baptist University.

OBU School of Visual and Performing Arts

At OBU, the Warren M. Angell School of Visual and Performing Arts gives students the opportunity to obtain their Bachelor of Arts degree in Oklahoma, in the environment of a private, Christian art school. Our school is small enough that you can tailor your educational journey around your chosen area of specialization.

Here’s some more great news: OBU offers art scholarships in Oklahoma. These scholarships are available to eligible students with exceptional talent in their chosen area of specialization (art, studio art, graphic design). You can even apply online for art scholarships at Oklahoma Baptist University!

To learn more about OBU or to schedule a visit to our beautiful campus,