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Receiving Financial Aid for Oklahoma Baptist University

March 7, 2017

Oklahoma Baptist University provides high value to every student. OBU students receive dedicated, personalized education while being encouraged to continue in their spiritual growth.

Many students form relationships that last a lifetime while attending OBU. Finding like-minded individuals who encourage and inspire you can truly make a difference in your life in and after college.

Earning a college degree at a respected institution is a wise investment in your future. At OBU, we believe that finances shouldn’t prohibit you from getting a high-quality, Christian education. OBU financial advisors happily help students find the financial aid they need to attend. Not only do advisors help in securing aid, but other assistance usually comes in unexpected ways, according to parents of OBU students.

“We were trying to decide how we could afford it, and God opened doors and things started to work out,” said Martha Jones, mother of an OBU student. “Go to a Christian school. God has a way of working things out and OBU has a lot of scholarships.”

Not only will students enjoy their OBU experience while in college, they will see it pay dividends once they are out in the working world. Employers look for individuals with strong values whom they can trust to exhibit strong moral standards, even when no one is looking.

Securing Support through Federal, State, University and Outside Sources

With 100 percent of OBU’s freshmen receiving scholarships and financial aid, it’s clear that every student seeking aid will likely receive it in some form. With available federal grants, Pell grants, student loan aid and scholarships, there are many options for students to find funds to assist with their schooling costs.

The first step to complete is to fill out the FAFSA. The earlier you can do so, the better. Include OBU’s school code, 00316400, so that we get your information. OBU can’t offer you the best financial aid package possible until this step has been completed.

“Do things early and file your FASFA as soon as you can,” advises Director of Student Financial Services, Jonna Raney. “Students should compare the bottom lines at schools they are looking at, and compare what they will actually pay at each school by the time the financial aid is determined.”

After filling out your FASFA, you will receive a document called a Student Aid Report; letting you know of the financial aid you are eligible to receive. OBU receives the same information and will send you an Award Letter listing all the aid awards that you qualify for at the time.

Scholarship Types

There are scholarships awarded solely based on academic performance and athletic achievement, without any other factors considered. Consider checking which merit scholarships you could qualify for and then move on to the “need-based” scholarship type.

“Most students that have significant financial need are able to get a good package,” says Raney.

Other scholarships are available for “need-based” financial aid. There are federal aid programs, like grants and loans, students can qualify for based on family income and household-related factors. If the student is receiving other financial aid at the time for schooling, this may also be a factor.

“Many people that go through the entire process are pleasantly surprised with their package,” says Raney. “When you get down to the bottom line with financial aid, what the students will actually pay is very comparable to large universities.”

Raney shares that much of the aid provided is institutional aid and that the largest chunk is typically from OBU itself.

If you still need assistance, loans can be a useful option and help with remaining costs. This type of aid is money that you will need to repay.

Payment Plans

Some students have found our payment plans to be very helpful. OBU has a 3-month, 4-month, and 5-month payment plan schedule that can help in budgeting for each semester. These plans allow students to spread the balance out throughout the semester in more digestible chunks.

Working on Campus

Raney says there are many students who work on campus. The money received from on-campus jobs can help pay for education expenses or other expenses like gas, transportation and other essentials. This allows their parents’ financial support to go directly to tuition and fees, while the students’ funds from working on campus can go toward personal living expenses. 

Students can create a free profile on the OBU Career Portal to access job postings and search available positions. This portal is provided as a service of OBU’s Career Development Office to help students find a place to work.

Consider the Fees

Many additional factors affect the overall cost of getting a college education, no matter which school you attend. Be sure to thoroughly research total costs of tuition, fees, housing and meals and compare your findings before making a decision. The value of a Christian education is worth the investment and OBU is an affordable option.

OBU has been ranked as a Top 50 Most Affordable Christian University in the West for 2017. What’s holding you back? Apply to OBU and see what’s in store for you!