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The Educator Preparation Program at Oklahoma Baptist University strives to maintain the highest of standards as it prepares its completers to go into classrooms across the country and positively impact lives of young people. The EPP supports the state accreditation standards as defined by the Office of Education Quality and Accountability, OEQA, and the national accreditation standards as defined by the Council for the Accreditation of Educational Preparation, CAEP.

Following a fall 2018 CAEP visit, The EPP at Oklahoma Baptist University was granted accreditation at the initial-licensure levels through June 30, 2024. Accredited initial programs include early childhood (pk – 3), elementary (1-8), special education (P-12), vocal and instrumental music (P-12), and Secondary English, Science, Math, and Social Studies Education (6-12). At the state level, the EPP is accredited through OEQA until October 15, 2027, in the following initial program areas: early childhood, special education, Secondary English, Science, Math, and Social Studies Education. The elementary education program was approved as an initial licensure program with new standards until October 15, 2022. Music Education (P-12) is also accredited through the National Association of Schools in Music (NASM) until 2024.

In meeting these standards the EPP at OBU provides information regarding its program to the public.

Measure 1: Completer effectiveness and Impact on P-12 learning and development

Measure 2: Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement

Measure 3: Candidate competency at program completion

Measure 4: Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared