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Modern Foreign Language and Multicultural Experience

Modern Foreign Language Requirement

Below are the placement guides for the Modern Foreign Language requirements at OBU. Notice that the guidelines for Spanish are different from those for French and German. The different nature of language instruction and of student populations, both in high school and in college, necessitates different placement policies. A student may also satisfy the Modern Foreign Language requirement by passing a CLEP language exam at Level 1 (Beginning). Foreign nationals who have learned English as a foreign language are exempt from the requirement.

No. of years/units of Spanish in grades 9–12 Where to begin What to take next
0–1 year/unit Beginning I Beginning II
2 years/units Beginning II Intermediate I
3 years/units (or more) Intermediate I Intermediate II
French or German
No. of years/units of French/German in grades 9–12 Where to begin What to take next
0–1 year/unit Beginning I Beginning II
2 years/units (or more) Intermediate I Intermediate II

View the Academic Catalog to see all Modern Foreign Language course options.

Multicultural Experience (which includes Modern Foreign Language)

A Multicultural Experience which includes Modern Foreign Language studies may also fulfill the common core Modern Foreign Language requirement as listed below:

  • A student who has successfully passed three years/units of a language in high school may satisfy the Modern Foreign Language and Multicultural Experience requirements by completing a semester of the same language at the intermediate level as well as one of the options associated with the Multicultural Experience.
  • A student who wishes to study a non-Western language (whether it is offered at OBU or not) may satisfy the Modern Foreign Language and Multicultural Experience requirements by taking one semester of the non-Western language and one of the options associated with the Multicultural Experience.

Course options for the Multicultural Experience are available in the Academic Catalog.