Purpose Statement
Oklahoma Baptist University is an institution founded on Christian principles and teachings whose primary purpose is to conduct educational programs in the traditional arts and sciences and in other disciplines with the intent to prepare students for effective leadership and service in the various vocations. The mission finds expression through a strong liberal arts core curriculum which supports degree programs designed to prepare students for careers and graduate study; through activities planned to stimulate spiritual, intellectual, social, cultural, and physical development; and through an environment that reflects the application of Christian principles and teachings. OBU is operated through a Board of Trustees. OBU engages in educational tasks in a manner consistent with the purposes of carrying out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). To achieve its purpose, the University has adopted several goals, among which are:
- To be a Christian learning community where faith and knowledge contribute to the individual's awareness: of himself and his obligations within a diverse and interrelated society; of truth and its force; of the joy of discovery and the beauty of existence; and of the legacy of the past, the challenge of the present, and the promise of the future.
- To cultivate Christian community in which the Baptist principles of individual freedom and dignity as well as mutual kindness and respect and concern for others are stressed.
- To encourage a climate of learning where the student may develop the lifelong habit of critical thinking in the search for truth.
- To identify and communicate the knowledge, experience, and values which constitute man's cultural heritage.
- To provide opportunities for the student to engage in a serious study of the Bible and to learn the philosophy and tenets of the Judeo-Christian heritage; to instill an awareness of and an appreciation for the distinctive Baptist contribution to Christian theology and for the values inherent in the Christian faith; to encourage Christian commitment.
- To foster an awareness of the needs of the human community and the responsibility of each individual in an active life of service.
- To offer a broad-based liberal arts education and specialized professional training in mutually supportive roles.
- To afford the opportunity to explore the relevance of all academic endeavors to the Christian life.
- To make personnel, services and facilities of the institution available to meet appropriate educational, cultural, and religious needs of its several constituencies.
- To serve the Baptist constituency through the development of informed, enlightened, sensitive leadership.