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OSU-CHS and OBU sign Athletic Training Agreement

May 10, 2023

Oklahoma State University-Center for Health Sciences (OSU-CHS) and OBU Tuesday, May 9, signed a Memorandum of Understanding establishing a Guaranteed Admission Program between the OSU‐CHS, Department of Athletic Training, and OBU for the 2023‐2024 and 2024‐2025 academic years.

The signing event was held on the OBU campus in Shawnee.

“The agreement firmly positions our students for continued success and excellent training as they enter into grad school,” said Dr. Chad Payn, Chair of OBU’s Division of Exercise Science, Sports and Recreation, and Assistant Professor of Exercise Science, Sports and Recreation. “We are pleased that this agreement offers enhanced opportunities for our students.”

“We are looking to recruit highly qualified students. We know that the students graduating from Oklahoma Baptist University are highly qualified and we want them to join us at OSU at the Center for Health Sciences to make an impact on the health and welfare of the state of Oklahoma,” said Dr. Jennifer Volberding, OSU-CHS Chair and Program Director Athletic Training.

This program guarantees that the two top OBU student applicants who meet specified criteria in the agreement will be guaranteed admission to the OSU‐CHS Athletic Training Program pending an interview and following graduation from OBU.

OBU will rank students based on GPA and OSU‐CHS will interview and assess the guaranteed admission program applicants on their personal characteristics, academic preparedness, and other factors based on the same standards as traditional applicants.

To qualify for the guaranteed admissions program, a student must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a permanent resident of the United States;
  • Achieve a minimum of an overall 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) at the point of graduation;
  • Meet specific academic course requirements;
  • Plan to complete a baccalaureate degree before matriculation into the OSU‐CHS Athletic Training Program;
  • Submit an application to the OSU graduate college by Nov. 1 of the fall prior to matriculation and a supplemental/secondary application by Dec. 1 of the fall prior to matriculation;
  • Have at least 50 hours of documented athletic training observation hours at the time of application;
  • Be a first‐time applicant to the OSU guaranteed admission program.

OBU students meeting these requirements will be eligible for the OSU guaranteed admission program. This agreement guarantees two “seats” within the Athletic Training Program each year to students from OBU who meet the listed requirements. Should more than two students qualify and apply, they will be ranked by GPA with the top two guaranteed admission. All additionally qualified students will be placed in the general application pool for an admissions decision. Following an in‐person interview, the chair of the athletic training program will notify applicants of their decision by Dec. 15 following the applicant’s interview.

To qualify for the guaranteed admission program, OSU‐CHS and OBU agree that applicants must complete the following academic requirements with a grade of B or above:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Statistics
  • Anatomy
  • Human Physiology
  • Medical Terminology
  • Nutrition
  • Biomechanics
  • Exercise Physiology

By the time of graduation, the student must meet all other requirements for the undergraduate degree as specified by the applicable OBU undergraduate catalog.

Learn more about OBU’s Division of Exercise Science, Sports and Recreation.