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SGA Presents Seven Who Care, Presidential Awards at Hyde Park Chapel April 20

April 20, 2022

OBU students honored eight employees April 20 for their contributions to the campus community. The honorees received the Seven Who Care Award and the Presidential Award during the university’s annual Hyde Park Day chapel service in Raley Chapel’s Potter Auditorium. Candidates for Student Government Association offices also gave brief speeches.

The Seven Who Care Award is given by SGA to honor the hard work and dedication that the university’s faculty and staff exhibit every day. The recipients are selected based upon nominations by students and employees.

The 2022 Seven Who Care recipients include Kelley Chlouber, administrative assistant, business; Dr. Contessa Edgar, associate professor of biology; Dr. Daryl Green, Dickinson Chair of Business and associate professor of business; Kirt Henderson, director of student success; Dr. Matthew Kearns, director of student ministry; Dr. Mario Melendez, Auguie Henry Chair of Old Testament and assistant professor of Old Testament and biblical studies; and Dr. Benjamin Myers, Crouch-Mathis Professor of Literature and professor of literature and English.

The SGA also presented the Presidential Award, given to an individual who goes above and beyond, as selected by the SGA president. The 2022 Presidential Award went to Brandon Petersen, dean of students and vice president of campus life.

Hyde Park Day was instituted at the university in 1958 after Dr. John W. Raley, then OBU president, visited Hyde Park in London, England. At “Speakers’ Corner” in Hyde Park, anyone may set up a soap box and lecture all those in earshot on any topic. Spectators then are allowed to question the speaker. When the event began at OBU, based on the idea of free oratory, SGA candidates would gather in the quadrangle on campus, set up “political booths” and vie for students’ votes.