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OBU Teacher Education Students Teach Fifth Graders About Colonial Life

April 23, 2021

Students in the Division of Teacher Education at Oklahoma Baptist University presented a special hands-on social studies learning opportunity April 20 for fifth grade students at Sequoyah Elementary School in Shawnee. A class of OBU teacher candidates developed the special event through their social studies methods course taught by Dr. Jeanne Akin, Mary A. White Professor of Education.

The result was an interactive hands-on learning day for around 50 fifth graders at Sequoyah, held at the elementary school. “Life as a Colonist” provided a day to experience first-hand many aspects of a colonist's life such as making butter, scrubbing clothes in a tub with a scrub-board, creating silversmith work, making candles, making ink, learning about taxes and writing with a quill. The day ended with the fifth graders signing their own name to the Declaration of Independence and enjoying a picnic.

Akin is proud of the work her students did to create this event, benefiting them personally as they prepare for their teaching careers while also bringing a tremendous learning experience to the fifth grade students.

“In planning this special day of learning, the OBU teacher education students learn how to create social studies curriculum that provides experiential learning opportunities for children, helping history come alive,” Akin said. “The Sequoyah fifth graders rewarded their work by showing engaged, enthusiastic learning all day. It was a rewarding experience for all.”

She likewise encouraged students considering a career in education to visit OBU and learn more about the University’s outstanding teacher education program.

“Future teachers should consider OBU for teacher preparation because we provide many and varied opportunities in our program for working with students. This is valuable experience prior to student teaching and working in the field.”

OBU students who created and worked at the learning day include Kayla Billings, Abigail Boren, Mikayla Brannam, Ashley Chambers, Brooke Cooke, Tiffany Fraley, Zoe Jennings, Miriam Kester, Victoria Kitchel, Daniele Manning, Monica Munroe, Brooke Newby, Kasidee Norton, Kylee Owens, Allison Pankiewicz and Samantha Shay.