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Portero Encourages Students to Find Rest in God During March 17 Chapel Message

March 17, 2021

Ashlyn Portero, executive director at City Church in Tallahassee, Florida, delivered the chapel address March 17 in Raley Chapel’s Potter Auditorium. She spoke from Matthew 11 focusing on walking in the way of wisdom and finding rest in Christ.

Portero pointed out that Jesus’ ministry revealed the lack of faith of the people of Israel and demonstrated their pattern to depart from God’s ways and wander in confusion and sin.

“Jesus having the wisdom of God knows this so well that when He commissions His disciples to go out and do ministry, He tells them go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

Portero challenged students to redefine their views of rest.

“God’s commands are always meant to lead us into life and flourishing. Rest at the soul level is not how we think about rest so often today. We think about it like leisure, doing nothing or doing whatever we want. But it’s not just a recharge until we are ready to go about our own way.

“Rest in God is being welcomed into the blessing of God. Freedom to enjoy life with God. We are alive in the love of God. We can cease from striving, from trying so hard, because we have this ongoing experience of security within the communion of God.”

Portero noted that true rest can only be found in God.

“We don’t seek wisdom in order to be autonomous and live apart from God. We don’t find lasting rest apart from God. We no longer live in fear and worry that our works are not enough for God. We live by faith in Jesus.”

Portero is a graduate of Florida State University with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in philosophy at Talbot School of Theology at Biola University. She has served on the Leadership Council with the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and was a founding member of the SBC Women's Leadership Network.