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OBU Community Makes Donation to GO Trips Through Tree of Life Bookstore

December 8, 2020

OBU students, employees, families and community members who shop at the Tree of Life Bookstore in the Geiger Center may have noticed a donation jar that is always sitting somewhere close to the cash register. The jar has a note that reads, “All donations support OBU GO Trips.” As purchases are made, patrons are encouraged to drop bills and change into the jar, all to support students taking Global Outreach trips.

This year, the generosity of the bookstore’s customers will be making a positive difference for at least six OBU students.

“The Global Outreach Center was blessed today [Dec. 4] by a donation from our campus bookstore,” said Dr. Joy Turner, director of global mobilization and professor of Christian ministry at OBU. “This year they raised $514 that will be given to at least six students going on a summer GO Trip.”

The donations all came from the students, faculty, staff and community patrons’ generous contributions to the “change jar” in OBU’s Tree of Life Bookstore.

Jay Stroud, manager of Tree of Life Bookstore, feels blessed to play a part in the effort.

“We collected $514 from the beginning of this year. Many students have participated and sometimes families donate as well when they visit the store. It’s exciting to hear stories of the impact of GO Trips they have observed on their students’ lives.

“We have been donating to GO Trips the past couple of years because it is familiar to students and we want to support their development and opportunities to make an impact for the Gospel all over the world.”

GO Trips are offered to OBU students through the Avery T. Willis Center for Global Outreach. GO Trips are short-term ministry outreach trips with long-term impact in over 20 countries around the globe, including local outreach to several states in the U.S.

Learn more about GO Trips.