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Six Senior Artists Showcase Work in Online Shows

May 7, 2020

When the University moved to fully online learning for the remainder of the spring semester, six seniors still needed to host their capstone art and graphic design shows. The decision was made for them to host the shows fully online, creating posters as part of their gallery requirement and promoting the shows themselves via social media.

Julie Marks Blackstone, assistant professor of art, is thrilled with how the OBU students rose to the occasion to produce stellar online shows.

“When I've looked to see what a few other universities have done in this regard, they tended to have one website link, with all seniors on the same site in the same format,” she said. “The students had merely submitted their bios and images, but were not included in the design work of the website. I think our OBU students' efforts have been truly impressive, considering the extra effort and creativity they've needed to design their own individual sites.”

The six seniors are all hosting their own shows at their unique URL’s. Emily Reynolds’ senior art exhibit opened April 24 and will run through May 24. Braden Davis’ show, “Daydreams & Color Schemes,” opened May 1.

Victoria Harrison’s, “A Virtual Senior Show,” went live May 4. Amy Iley’s senior art exhibit, titled, “The Corona Effect,” opened May 4 and will close May 8.

Juliana Cifuentes Cepeda’s senior art and design exhibit opened May 4. Its title is “EXPLORE. dream. discover." Malia Wilfong’s senior art exhibit, “The Nature of Things,” also opened May 4.