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Lehrmann Recognized as Outstanding Senior in Philosophy

May 15, 2020

Leslie “Paige” Lehrmann, a December 2019 graduate in philosophy and mathematics, has been recognized as the 2019-20 Outstanding Senior in Philosophy by the Hobbs College of Theology and Ministry.

Awards for outstanding seniors in all Colleges and Divisions are typically presented during a special awards chapel at the conclusion of the spring semester. With the awards chapel event not being held this year due to the University’s move to distance learning, these students are instead being recognized through announcements via the University website and social media channels.

Dr. Tawa Anderson, associate professor of philosophy, is thrilled for Lehrmann to be recognized with this award.

“Leslie ‘Paige’ Lehrmann completed a demanding double major in mathematics and philosophy, with an apologetics emphasis, at OBU,” he said. “She grew from a quiet, shy, unsure freshman to one of the most competent, confident and assertive students in both of her majors. She became a campus leader in our philosophy program, and presented academic papers at four separate regional conferences in Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana.”

In December 2019, Lehrmann faced off against Anderson in a Philosophy Forum mock debate on the question, “Does God Exist?” Her senior thesis, “That's Not Partialism, Patrick! A New Mathematical Analogy for the Trinity,” set forth a dimensional analogy for God's triune nature that, according to Anderson, seems to avoid the heretical pitfalls of traditional trinitarian analogies.

This fall, Lehrmann will enter the University of Oklahoma’s MA-PhD program in mathematics, after which she intends to pursue a doctorate in philosophy. Her long-term desire is to teach math and/or philosophy at a state university, and to serve as a robust Christian apologist and student mentor on campus.