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Graves Honored with Evans T. Moseley Leadership Award

May 20, 2020

Noah Graves, rising senior at OBU, has won the University’s Evans T. Moseley Leadership Award for the 2019-20 academic year. The award is given to a rising senior who demonstrates the greatest leadership potential. It was established by the senior class of OBU in 1966 to honor the man who served as interim president of the University during that year.

Graves served as the junior class president for the 2019-20 academic year and was recently elected to serve as the student body vice president for the coming year. He is majoring in biblical and theological studies. He is also a member of the Herd, a group of student ambassadors who work in the office of admissions to help prospective students get to know OBU.

Awards to outstanding seniors in all Colleges and Divisions are typically presented in a special awards chapel, which was not held this year due to the University’s move to distance learning. Instead, these students received a personal touch in their individual presentations.

Two of the nominators who helped select Graves for consideration offered high praise for his leadership abilities, positive attitude and love for Bison Hill.

“Noah always volunteers willingly and cheerfully for tasks within the office and interacts with campus visitors with a smile 100% of the time,” one nominator said. “Even when Noah isn't working, he can often be found interacting with visitors to make sure their experience at OBU is a great one. He embodies the OBU man and models well for students to come.”

Another nominator stated, “Noah is an exemplary OBU student, both in terms of his performance in the classroom and his character in every facet of life. He sets an example for the students around him through pursuing Christlikeness in everything that he does. He is a proven leader on and off campus, having pursued campus leadership positions, spiritual life leadership positions and church leadership positions.”