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Gambo Delivers Chapel Message Feb. 14, Challenges Students to Share Their Testimony

February 14, 2020

Dr. David Gambo, assistant professor of Christian ministry, delivered the chapel message Friday, Feb. 14. He preached from John 14. The message was the conclusion of OBU’s Focus Week and was delivered in Raley Chapel’s Potter Auditorium on OBU’s campus in Shawnee.

Gambo told students the story of William Borden, a wealthy man who grew up in a rich family. After he received a call to ministry from God, he decided to sell all of his possessions and become a missionary to Muslims in East Asia. Unfortunately, he never made it there.

When Borden passed away from spinal meningitis at age 25 in Cairo, Egypt, his mother received his Bible. She opened it up and found that he had written three phrases that correlated with his life decisions: “No reserves. No retreats. No regrets.”

Gambo reminded students that because Borden knew who Christ was, he was able to do something that no one really understood.

“Only those who have their eyes on eternity will do what William did,” Gambo said. “Eternal life means that your life is indestructible. It cannot be destroyed or broken and knowing God is eternal life.”

Gambo urged students to think about their relationship with God and how having a personal relationship with Him was how they know Him. He also reminded students that they share him through their personal testimony.

“Your testimony is so powerful because you can show others what God did for you,” he said. “Nobody can take your story away from you and say it did not happen because you can tell people about how you were before and how, because of Jesus Christ, you were changed forever.”

Gambo was born in the mission field in Nigeria. He made a decision to follow Christ when he was 8 years old. He received his call to ministry in November 2003. He earned a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry from the University of Jos in Nigeria, a Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in preaching and pastoral ministry, also from Southwestern.