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Bandy Brings Chapel Message on Job April 10

April 10, 2019

Dr. Alan Bandy, Rowena R. Strickland Associate Professor of New Testament, delivered the chapel message Wednesday, April 10, at OBU. The chapel continued the 2018-19 chapel series, “Fully Devoted to Christ: What could God do with one completely yielded soul?”

Bandy’s message came from the book of Job and centered on Job’s faithfulness throughout the trials of his life.

“There are times in life when you will face trials,” Bandy said. “Somewhere along the line, we have come up with this notion that just because you’re a Christian, everything is going to be fine and great, but that is not the way that God has designed it. Everything you go through is a part of God’s plan to build your faith and give you a character that reflects His own.”

He reminded students of Job’s trials and urged them to stand strong and glorify God in trials and disasters.

“Even in the worst of times, his [Job’s] love for God was unwavering and complete,” he said. “It wasn’t based on how well things were going in his life and how many blessings he had, but Job loved God for who God is.”

Bandy joined the College of Theology and Ministry faculty in the fall of 2009. Before arriving at OBU, he served as assistant director of Ph.D. studies for Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Prior to that, he was an assistant professor of Christian Studies at Louisiana College and taught adjunctively for Liberty University Online.

He earned a Bachelor of Arts in ministry from Clear Creek Baptist Bible College, a Master of Divinity from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Philosophy in biblical studies from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.