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Dr. Samuel Thomas Delivers Chapel Message March 27

March 27, 2019

Dr. Samuel Thomas, president of Hopegivers International, delivered the chapel address March 27 in Raley Chapel’s Potter Auditorium. He taught from Luke 8:22-25 and spoke about God’s faithfulness. He shared his personal testimony about God’s faithfulness in his own life.

“The world out there is looking for those believers that would say whether by life or death, I must glorify the Lord,” he said. “The day that happens, there will be a revival, not only in this country, but also in India.”

“I believe as a child of the King, when God saves you, He either gives you a calling to go, He gives you a calling to send, but He never gives you a third calling, to ‘pray about it,’” he said. “Either you go or send. You don’t just sit there and pray.”

Thomas was recently arrested in India due to the Christian nature of the organization he runs. He shared how God remained faithful during his time in prison. He told about the opportunity he had to share the gospel with another man in the jail and how that man came to accept the Lord during that time.

Thomas is known throughout India as a leading humanitarian. A passionate leader, speaker and author, he daily walks out his heart’s desire to raise and train one million orphan leaders worldwide.

His education includes undergraduate work at Columbia International University, a B.A. from Liberty University, and a Doctor of Divinity from Antioch Seminary. He has also received an honorary Doctor of Humanities from Liberty University and an honorary Doctor of Divinity from North Greenville University.

During his tenure with Hopegivers, he has been instrumental in establishing approximately 190 schools throughout India and overseeing 47 Hope Homes that house nearly 6,000 orphaned, abandoned and at-risk children. He has helped open a hospital and a nursing school, and established 45 Bible Colleges, including the Emmanuel Theological Seminary in Rajasthan. He also expanded the ministry work into other areas of need like the Dowry Castaway Women, HopeVision and Martyr’s Legacy ministries.

An accomplished singer, instrumentalist and songwriter, Thomas has recorded 15 devotional song albums in the Hindi and Malayalam languages. He conducts leadership seminars in India, the Middle East and in the United States and is an internationally sought-after conference speaker.

Thomas is married to the former Shelley Lucas from Harpswell, Maine. They have two sons, Steven Andrew and Timothy Abraham.