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Teacher Education Majors Inspire Kids at “Ancient Civilizations” Interactive Museum

November 1, 2018

Teacher education students at OBU hosted an interactive social studies museum for local fifth grade students Tuesday, Oct. 30, on OBU’s campus in Shawnee. This semester’s theme was titled, “Ancient Civilizations: An Introductory Study of Ancient Greece, China, Egypt and the Incas.” The fifth grade class from Sequoyah Elementary School in Shawnee attended the interactive museum.

This was the 39th biannual interactive children’s museum held at OBU. During this event, students learn through activities and lessons created by teacher education majors who are students in the social studies methods course. The course is taught by Dr. Jeanne Akin, Mary A. White Professor of Education, who challenges her students to create interactive and engaging displays by only using materials available to the average educator. Her classes create a similar museum each year in both the fall and spring semesters.

Akin recognizes the impact this activity has on future educators in her social studies class.

“Through this project, my students practice pedagogical, collaborative and creative skills,” she said. “They develop not only a passion for social studies, but also a sense of responsibility and an understanding of the power that comes from sharing that knowledge with children.”

The students involved in creating this edition of the interactive museum were Jessica Coulson, Marcela Ellebracht, Gretchen Johnson, Rachel Lee, Alexis Martin, Abby McSheffrey, Leah Molter, Veronica Parra, Taylor Reaves, Brianna Roark, Jillian Smith, Kurt Smith and Alli Wilmoth.

Learn more about the Division of Teacher Education at OBU.