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Take Shelter, Fallout Follies Hits Campus Oct. 3

October 2, 2015

It’s the end of the world as we know it. OBU’s Campus Activities Board will present “Fallout Follies” Saturday, Oct. 3 in Raley Chapel’s Potter Auditorium. This year’s variety show is post-apocalyptic themed and features several talented freshmen performing musical acts, dancing and comedy sketches. The event begins at 8 p.m. and is free to both the OBU community and the general public. Doors open at 7:30.

“Fallout Follies” is directed by senior students Shelby Clark and Abbie Hooten.

“We chose this theme because it is unlike any other that we have done before,” Hooten said. “It’s a popular setting right now. We were able to pull from different areas, so there will be a few types of apocalypses throughout the show.”

Many hopeful freshmen auditioned for a chance to be emcees, but in the end CAB selected AJ Adams, Meagan Hill, Josh Pumphrey and Sydnie Randolph.

This show will include acts by Uncommon Design, Mariah Knight, Morgan & Brad, The Aftermath, The Hand-Me-Downs and Semi-Attractive Youth.

“This is the first big show that the freshmen are involved in,” Hooten said, “This is a very talented freshman class, so make sure to come so you can see and hear some of the fantastic acts and skits they’ve been working on!”

All of CAB and the freshmen students have been working hard to provide the best entertainment experience possible for Saturday night’s attendees.

“Directing this show has been exciting because we work individually with so many different parts of the show. I cannot wait to see everything from a spectator’s point of view the night of the show. It has taken hours upon hours of planning, organizing and combining all of the elements.”

Following the evening’s show, OBU will also be hosting Night of Jazz in the Mabee Suite, located on the upper floor of the Noble complex on campus. A fan favorite, Night of Jazz will begin at 10 p.m. and will feature students, faculty and special guest artists. The event will last until 1 a.m. with the last hour of the show being dedicated to an open jam session. Night of Jazz is a free come-and-go event, though listeners are encouraged to stay for all the performances.