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National Literacy Brings Volunteers to Campus

May 22, 2000

Forty-five adults from 18 states and Canada traveled to Shawnee this week for the National Literacy Conference, held on the campus of Oklahoma Baptist University June 18-24.

The NLC is an annual seven-day workshop that trains volunteers to conduct training workshops in conversational English, adult reading and writing, and children and youth tutoring.

Kendale Moore, national literacy missionary with the North American Mission Board, serves as director of the conference.

"Our volunteer trainees help Southern Baptist churches spread the gospel by either teaching English as a second language, helping adults who are functional non-readers improve their reading skills, or helping set up programs for tutoring youth and children," Moore said.

Participants live in the dorms and attend workshops and small prayer groups during the day and use evenings for extensive homework assignments.

This is OBU's fourth year to host the conference.