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Perry Tripp
Perry Tripp

Perry Tripp



Perry Tripp joined the OBU Staff as Computer Technician I in the fall of 2014. Mr. Tripp is an OBU Alumni, graduating in May of 2014. During his time at OBU as a student he worked in the IT department as a Student Worker, sharpening his computer skills and learning the ins and outs of many of the systems on campus.

Mr. Tripp is the husband of Tiffany Rose, who is also an alumnus of OBU, earning both a bachelors and master’s degree. Together they have one child: Seth “Little Bear” (b. 2016). They live together in Sparks, Ok, where Perry Tripp pastors the First Baptist Church.

Mr. Tripp is passionate about the Church, and bringing the knowledge that he gained in his undergraduate degree to the Church- teaching and leading with the express purpose of building the Kingdom and spreading the Good News to all.  He has pastored the Church in Sparks since June of 2014. As part of his ministry, Mr. Tripp also writes a blog with the intent of sharing with others a few thoughts about the pilgrim’s way that we are all on as Christ followers- 


  • BA in Applied Ministry-emphasis in Pastoral Ministry, and Philosophy


  • Served as youth helper with FBC Shawnee youth from 2010-2013
  • Licensed to Preach by FBC Shawnee in January of 2013
  • Served steady supply Preacher at His Church in Meeker from 2011-2014
  • Called to Serve as Pastor in Sparks at FBC Sparks June of 2014
  • Ordained into Gospel Ministry by FBC Sparks in October of 2014

Spiritual Biographical Statement

God has infused me with a deep love for His Son. I seek to follow Him wherever He should call me. It is my desire to see God glorified through the growth of His people. I aim to facilitate this growth in His people through Discipleship and Spiritual development. I hope to guide His flock with a heart tuned to His will, and a hand filled with His love and grace.  I also hope to reflect His glory and greatness, and His love and mercy in all I do.