OBU Signature Creation Tool

Error: Javascript Disabled

Javascript must be enabled to use this tool.

If Javascript is enabled and you still receive this error, please contact Marketing and Communications.

Error: Using Firefox

Please use Chrome, Edge or Safari to create and copy your email signature.

If using Outlook on the Web via Firefox, you may then return to Firefox to complete the setup process.

Please answer the following questions to create your signature.

Are you a member of the OBU Athletics staff?

What is your name and title?

We recommend you copy and paste this information from the University Directory to ensure no spelling errors are made.

Would you like to add a physical address to your signature?

What address should be displayed?

Enter the full address exactly as it should be displayed.

What contact information should be added to your signature?

What website links do you want listed?

Enter the full URL (including https://) of the website. When listing more than one address, use labels to denote the purpose of each link.

What phone numbers do you want to include?

Enter the phone numbers you want displayed without any separators. When listing more than one number, use labels to denote the purpose of each number.

Please remember that this will be provided to anyone you email, so only display those phone numbers you are willing to give out publicly.

What additional items should be added to your signature?

Review your new signature.

Your new signature is displayed below. After you have reviewed it for accuracy, click the “Copy Signature” button to copy the signature. Follow the instructions for your email app to complete the signature setup process.

Copy Signature